Nature features
From Source to Sea is three themes in one - uplands, rivers, and sea. Throughout August, September and October we will be running these themes concurrently, and our uplands theme kicked off on August 10th - Hen Harrier Day.
The uplands of Britain include some of our wildest landscapes, are home to our most characteristic wildlife and resound with myth, legend and historic significance.
The uplands of Britain include some of our wildest landscapes, are home to our most characteristic wildlife and resound with myth, legend and historic significance.
Scroll down for archived features from previous themes.
laurence rose nature diaries
****Laurence Rose nature diaries is a separate website that is currently under maintenance. It will back up and running later in the autumn. Some video highlights can still be viewed using the links below
a few highlights

The Hamlet's wild flower meadow may be a riot of colour and a-buzz by day, but what goes on at night?
Latest pictures show we have a family of badgers and several foxes. These clips are a taster of some of the footage in nature diaries. Above, our first look at the new badger cub on 8 June, and below, one of our foxes getting a close encounter with this precocious youngster.
Archived nature features
We launched NATURAL LIGHT with a moths theme, and as we introduce a new theme, we'll move the previous feature article here for safe keeping.
Click on the photo to go to the article.
Click on the photo to go to the article.