Nature, words and #naturewords

Hay Fever is the young people’s festival within a festival, and welcomes nature enthusiasts Nicola Davies from the Really Wild Show, Piers Torday, Tom Moorhouse, Katie Scott and Virginia McKenna. RSPB garden safaris and workshops are on every day, although many have sold out. Click the link for the full programme.
Hay on Earth is a programme for sustainability, and includes a day-long forum on Thursday 21 May exploring global sustainability issues.

On 24 May Canadian explorer John Hemming celebrates the Amazonian feats of three famous naturalist-explorers of 150 years ago: Alfred Russel Wallace, Henry Walter Bates and Richard Spruce. Closer to home, Britain’s shoreline is explored by Patrick Barkham (Coastlines, 28 May) in association with National Trust Wales.

Click here for the full Hay programme, or visit our What’s On page for just the green bits.